Monday 13 January 2014


Do you sometimes wear a mask? Do you sometimes "lie" to the world or put up a front to hide your true feelings?

I guess we all do sometimes. And it might be okay, really. Wearing a mask CAN be okay, provided we know when we're "wearing" one (how often can we fool ourselves into believing what we want to portray, even if it is a lie!). And if it is temporary; that we will acknowledge (and deal with!) our true emotions at some stage. Whenever I'm teaching but do not "feel" like it (we probably all feel like that sometimes if we're honest I guess), I have to put up a front lest I "infect" the learners negatively. It could be for whatever reason - I could have had a fall-out with my partner that morning, my dog could have died, or I could be really just having a bad hair day! But if I allow any negativity to be portrayed, chances are I will have less than optimal results teaching others. Oh, there might be empathy from others; I can share what I'm feeling or what has happened, but showing empathy towards me is not the responsibility of others, and certainly is not to be used by me as any kind of "excuse".

So...I might be wearing" a mask temporarily. And yes, I can continue to be grateful and allow positive thoughts to replace any negative emotions, but come on, we're emotional beings and we will experience less than joyful feelings at times. When I say "negative" emotions, I'm referring to those emotions that we probably do not want to feel - anger, hurt, sadness, etc. No matter how positive we are, these emotions are par for the course. So I like to refer to being REAL, instead of being positive. And if I'm REAL, there are times when I might not feel okay, and when it will be okay to put my mask on.

Oh of course once I have this mask on, I might (and probably will) automatically be feeling better after a while. - albeit behind or because of a mask. Chances are I will naturally experience a mood shift due to the physiological effect.  But in this case that is not the purpose of my mask. Its purpose is so that, even if I may not be able to spread pure joy that day (because I am human!), at least it may prevent me from spreading negative emotions!

So, I might even consider making myself a brightly coloured, crazy paper mask. To remind myself that it IS in fact a mask when I need to "wear it, and that I need to take it off at some point, so to speak. And for a laugh!

Love and light,

Celeste x

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