Wednesday 24 July 2013

Darkness and Light

Darkness and Light

Day over night. Light over darkness. It's like these are opposing forces. Mutually exclusive. Are they really?

We all need light; sunlight for energy, warmth and survival. Light usually represents goodness. We light candles as a symbol of love, forgiveness and compassion. We refer to "our darkest hour" when things go really bad. We glow or radiate (give light) when we are happy, but are gloomy and dark when we feel sad.

There are many sayings and quotes about light and darkness, that the one can't be without the other, that we have to experience darkness to appreciate the sun and so on. Which is all true, but come to think of it, these quotes really want to make us feel LESS BAD about the so-called darkness. Don't get me wrong, I love metaphors and it is such a wonderful, rich way of "colouring" (with light) our thoughts, language and actions, but....
Do we have to feel bad about darkness? Or even afraid?

What is darkness really? It is only light not being reflected. It really is only a period where more natural is being absorbed. A different force at play.

I have always preferred the light. Whilst I am not afraid of the dark, I feel more whole in the light. So can darkness be my friend? Instead of being the opposite of the light I love and need so much, can it just be a different force in my life? You know what, I do not need to "choose" darkness, but I can be okay with it. I can embrace it as a time of reflection, rest and recuperation. And I can still provide light when there is darkness around me.

Reflection - I accept times of "less light" in my life and recognize these as natural periods to focus on different aspects of life, during which I can provide light. I embrace these different forces and remain open to what I may learn during these periods. I am. And, if I choose to be, I am LIGHT, day or night.

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