Sunday, 8 June 2014

Are you worthy?

How is that so many of us do not value ourselves?
…As if we are afraid of thinking of ourselves, and heavens forbid, use words that may imply that we are holding ourselves in high esteem. We have somehow been led to believe that it is only noble to put others in front of ourselves; not to come across as “vain” or taking credit. Not to regard ourselves as deserving. I have been very guilty of this, and still am. Something will go well, or I would do something well, and I would immediately want to justify or validate it.

There is also the idea that validation or approval needs to come from others. That “they” select you, you don’t select yourself. The measuring stick is the opinion of others – and these are mostly false as often we misinterpret or don’t even know what others are thinking. You know that thought of ‘what would “they” think’? Yes, what would they?! (Probably nothing!)

For many of us these thoughts manifest in beliefs that we are not deserving, that we have no value to add, that we are not good enough. Sometimes this happens over years, without us consciously noticing. So much so that some of us are afraid to actually peel off the layers or facades to reconnect with our true selves. To discover something good about ourselves – in our opinion. Something that we bring to the table because of what WE believe we can do. Cringing because ‘How could I!’ And because we have this inherent need to be right about things, if something happens that “proves” this (unworthiness), it gets reinforced deeper and deeper. If I believe I am not worthy of making the team, and I then get overlooked, it reinforces the belief – the internal dialogue of ‘See, I was right!’ Of course everybody can’t make the “team” but can I then hold 
my head high, move on and shake off the belief that I was not “worthy of being selected”?

Without going into any textbook definition, self-worth to me is that ability to believe in yourself. To regard yourself as valuable and to honour yourself. To believe you matter, no matter what.

There is a big difference in only thinking of yourself and false pride, and thinking well of yourself. A difference between the ego shouting “Me! Me! Me!” - at the expense of others, and honouring yourself enough to spread that honour and that love to others.

A little girl gets up in the dark and bitter cold to compete in a gymnastics competition. Not because she is forced to, or because of others, or because what she believes others will think. No, because she believes she is worthy of doing well, of a medal. Yes, that is the external measurement or yardstick, but it starts with her truly believing she is worthy.

When have you lost that belief in yourself? Can you get it back?

Love and light,


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