I often finish my blog posts with the words “whoever said
personal growth was easy”. Today I want to explore this concept a bit further.
Some may think that I am being negative in saying this, that when we do something
that truly fulfills us everything would be easy, and that we wouldn’t mind discomfort
if we are living our dreams. That may or may not be true, but I am talking
about the journey.
So we know that in order to achieve a goal or reach a destination
we need to know exactly where we are. But if we talk about personal growth - or
transformation - we also need to know exactly who we are. The road past is
through it, and for that we need to understand the “self”. I often ask clients
to describe themselves, and I’ve come to realise that very few of us truly know
and understand who we are. I’m not even at the point of accepting or loving ourselves;
I am merely at the point of understanding or connecting. Oh we describe what we
do, we describe personality traits, and we are often good at describing who or
what we are not, but very few of us can
go deep within and connect with our true selves. See, it takes guts to do this.
It means we might have to face fears, or shadows of ourselves that we have
chosen to hide or bury. It means we might have to get uncomfortable and step
out of our known, comfortable world.
I love the topic of freedom – freeing yourself from
attachments and thought patterns that are holding you back. But you have to
accept that the moment you are “free”, – then you take responsibility. Then
there is nothing or no-one to blame! Yes, the road to freedom might take more
guts than what we care to admit.
So the first step is to take full responsibility for your
own growth. A “journey” like this may at times be hard or uncomfortable. The
human mind is conditioned to remember the good times. How many times has something
seemed really hard when you were doing it, but afterwards you don’t quite
recall how “bad” it was? I used to do long-distance running. Many times whilst
I was suffering from fatigue, I would swear NEVER to “do this to myself” again.
Yet, soon afterwards – sometimes very
soon, I would only remember the euphoria and even though the physical pain and
exhaustion would still be very fresh, somehow it would pale and I would only
remember the positive. This is because the human mind is created for survival.
If we had to remember only the pain, we would rarely exert any real effort.
Instinct makes us remember the pleasure or the reward, so we are inclined to
repeat it – regardless of the apparent suffering at the time.
The problem is that it is during times of apparent
discomfort or when the road gets hard that we give up. When it gets too uncomfortable, when emotions
arise that we would rather not face, when there is work to do – facing stuff
and changing it. It is easy for life to get in the way of true personal transformation.
True fulfillment is worth it. But be prepared to go all out.
Wishy-washy effort is going to get you wishy-washy results. To get the most out
of your personal journey, you need to be prepared to dig deep, even if it is
uncomfortable. When you peel the onion and peel away layers, your eyes are
likely to water. But only during the peeling. It will clear once the onion has
been peeled.
Yes, personal growth may not always be easy, but it is so
worth it!
Love and light,