Sunday, 13 April 2014

Which voice do I listen to?

(Part 1)

Our inner being has an amazing way of telling the truth. That knowing within us. We can put up a facade and ignore it, but that little voice will keep popping up. However, most of people don't recognize it or simply do not hear it. It is drowned by the sounds of the outer life which demands our attention. But hereon lies the paradox. For if we don't adhere to our true selves (the little voice I'm talking about), the outer world can not get our rightful attention. Our best. Moreover, the little voice is also drowned by the sound of that outer, evil, negative voice that sits on our shoulders and pretends to be us. That voice which leads us astray, tells us we are not good enough, it can't be done, and a host of other untruths.

So how do we tell the difference between these two voices and how do we know which voice to listen to?

I'll address it in stages...

Firstly, you need to be able HEAR the inner (good) voice - your Self.

Sometimes it takes years of undoing the things that drowned that little voice. So we need to learn to reconnect with ourselves and our inner beings. To be still, empty and spacious, and to really listen. We can do that through meditation, breathing practices, journalling, connecting with nature, retreats, teachers and gurus, and other practices. These are all excellent practices that support it, but we need to also understand what suits of us individually. Each of us is different, and whilst practices help and can make a huge difference, it is still up to the individual to apply what resonates with them and to adapt it to suit them. And to sustain it.

A Coach can do wonders to guide us with spiritual and inner transformation practices. People sometimes spend years searching...trying many different things, and although the search for Self, growth or transformation is a personal one, and the only way to it is through it, guidance is a gift some people are willing to give, so why not take it?! A Coach can help us explore what really drives us, help identify the clutter in our heads so we can be more authentic and better able to understand that little voice, and support us through implementing and sustaining good practices to make it "stick".

Take a moment to reflect on this and be honest with yourself. Can you hear that little voice? Do you recognize it? And do you listen to it and stay true to it? Or do you boast about "your gut always being right" without really understanding it?

Next up... Part Two.

Love and light,

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