careful what you wish for. It might just come true!
So goes
the old saying, and like most old sayings, has is a lot of truth behind it.
I live in
the city but have a need to escape it fairly on a fairly regular basis. Which
usually happens on impulse. I decide to go (these days admittedly it requires
slightly more careful planning around commitments and constraints), see what
options are available and suitable, and go. And I am always amazed at the
comments from people about how "lucky" I am to "just do
it". Yes, I agree, the fact that I do not have small children (in my case,
none at all) makes it easier, but I have other constraints. For example, I do not have a steady income,
so if I do go, I have to weigh that up against loss of income (no paid leave
for me!). And the kids can go along too, or stay with grandma or leave them
behind with Dad (or Mom) if you want. Or go for a shorter period. Whatever!
Come to think of it, the people who comment most about "lucky", are
the ones who actually have no "excuse" (for lack of a better word).
They are usually also the ones who are financially in a WAY better position
than I am to go, if they so wish.
"excuse" is probably the right word. I suspect - and I know not to
make assumptions - but I do have this nagging suspicion that most (okay, many)
people who voice their envy do not really want to go. Let's just stay with the
example of a few days' break (as this may apply to many scenarios) - it
involves work! You still have to pack a few items of clothing, travel, sleep in
different surrounds, etc. etc. - at the very least. You can take everything and
the kitchen sink or you can pack only a toothbrush and clean undies, but you
still have to do something. And it may involve risk. The weather might be foul,
you might miss your team's game, you might lose out on a good party "back
home", traffic, the bedding may not be as nice as yours. It is much easier
to have an excuse (work, money, kids, partner....).
My point
is, we are rarely "lucky". It always is about choices and options. I
have the utmost respect for someone who really longs to do something but simply
are not able to, but rarely do you hear these people complain or voice their
freedom to "just do it" involves a lot of responsibility. If you do
it, it is your choice. No-one or
nothing to blame.
So next
time you say you wish you could do something, think carefully about what's
stopping you. And if nothing is, think carefully whether you really wish for
it. Because it may just come true!
Love and
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