The whole
universe adheres to natural laws of balance. Every manmade structure needs
balance. Every yoga class always has a few balance asanas (poses) in it. Everything
we know has at least two sides - day and night, summer and winter, up and down,
even good and evil. So why do we as humans often think we can defy this? Often
ignoring or not even acknowledging the concept of balance in our lives. Someone
told me this morning it has been 13 years since they've taken a holiday. The
other day I heard about someone driving for 6 hours straight, not taking their
foot off the pedal once. I see people eating too much at one sitting in
restaurants. I know of people who either never socialize, or always socialize.
At one stage I always wore black.
obviously it is admirable and possibly empowering to do something that requires
focus and determination for a prolonged period of time. To be able to complete
a sporting endurance event, for example. To focus and complete a task brings
enormous satisfaction. And is required! And of course we all indulge ever so
often, whatever the indulgence may be! And that is okay.
What may
not be okay is if we don't realize an imbalance, or worse, when we realize it
and we are unable to do something about it. We know it - too much is not a good
And often
it is not because we don't know that our lives are out of whack. Take for
instance balance in our relationships. People often they know they do not allow
themselves (or their partner) sufficient time, in lieu of work, kids, outside
demands. They consciously know of an imbalance but are incapable of addressing
it as their lives are just "too crazy". Or they say they don't read
enough, or spend too much time on social media, or spend too much money,
however they define "too much" or "not enough".
We can
address the need-to's, ought-to's, shoulds and shouldn'ts. These are symptoms
of our views and blueprints, and often signals of a deeper cause. But let's
start with a slightly simpler way to create more balance.
Take a
look at all the areas of your life as objectively as possible and check for any imbalances. Now....
Ask yourself WHY instead of HOW
Yes, the
HOW might be important, but don't negate the reason for understanding why you
do something. And seek the reason within yourself, not outside. The person who
has not taken a holiday for 13 years has most likely not done it because of a
boss, money, outside pressure or because they didn't get to the HOW'S. The
perpetual over-eater is doing so because of some underlying reason, not because
they don't know HOW to stop.
Once we
know the real why, we can address it. What we THINK is the issue, rarely is. It
is always the pattern, not the problem.
Start small
Don't try
to change everything at once. Identifying all areas to address may highlight a
pattern of behaviour, and that is all you need to start. Breaking the pattern
is the next step.
Get outside perspective
A coach
can not only help us see a pattern more clearly, but can guide us to identify
blocks that may prevent us from moving forward, and support us to break the
pattern. They can also hold us accountable, which is often what we need to
prevent us from falling back into a pattern. Get yourself a life coach.
Become more self-aware
when you are beginning to get out of alignment in any area. We often don't see
the needle on the scale creeping up before it is "too late". People
from failed marriages often say.... if only I'd known, or did/didn't..."
Doing this does not take time. Learn to notice your emotions in any given
situations as they are barometers or warning signals. Learn to pay attention to
your own body. Take time before you react so you notice your emotions, thoughts
and physical reactions.
Even if
you enter one line a day, it is a start. Learn, understand and manage your
life. Now look back onto it and reflect – what are the entries about?
Be grateful
a habit of being grateful for everything. The beauty if this is that it
automatically brings a sense of perspective. And ultimately, balance.
take action…..we’ll talk about that next time.
Love and
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