Thursday, 27 February 2014

Abandon your past??

Are you courageous enough to abandon your past? Many of us have trouble leaving behind the scars of a past that was challenging, dark or sad. But that's a topic for another day...plenty of "let go" affirmations focus on that one. But can you abandon a past that was successful.

Huh? Why abandon a past that was successful?

Because that's how you grow!

Abandon is a strong word. Soften it if you like, but be firm. If you want to move forward, you need to move your whole body in the same direction - forward. Both legs, both arms, head, and eyes in front of you. Oh, absolutely smell the roses on the way, bask in tour glories, relax and saviour the memories, but move forward.

A lot of us stay stuck in our heads. We call it memories, treasures, etc. but in reality the same thought patterns revolve over and over the same things, and before we know it, we are stuck. Sadly stuck.

I once had a friend who always used to say "better a has-been than a never-been". I believe that statement can be taken totally out of context. I have more respect for the person who keeps on trying after failing again and again (as long as they keep on tying though!) - who some may dismiss as a "never-been", - than I have for the person who keeps on blowing their trumpet about an "achievement" they had years ago. Success is relative. Who was it who said "you're only as good as your last success"? <Substitute success with game, performance, run, book...>

Notice I used the word courageous in the opening line. Because it really is! So take credit if you succeed!

Love and light,


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Just go back to bed!

There is this wonderful line in Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat, Pray, Love" right in the beginning, when Liz is just starting to experience turmoil around her marriage where she goes into the bathroom and hears this voice: "Just go back to bed!" No earth-shattering, life altering command, no great vision asking her to abandon everything right there and then, no field-of-dreams-if-you-build-it-they-will-come-type voice. No, just a quiet voice (which she actually realised as coming from within her) telling her to do the only sensible thing she could do at that moment. Now, Liz at the time is starting to question her life's purpose and meaning so just to "go back to bed" was probably not what she was anticipating. But she obeys. And things start changing.

And isn't that the beauty of how things happen. If - IF - we let it, It< and whether you want to call "It" the universe, God, divine guidance, Source> always has to best timing. It is when we interfere or have expectations that things often go pear shaped. Oh, sure we have to take action on the calling, and Liz did, but right at that moment the realization was enough for her. She did not need to do anything more than go back to bed, as her path had already been altered.

And Im thinking of myself in this scenario. I can procrastinate for days, weeks, months and then when I finally get going, wild horses can't stop me. When I feel a "calling", I want to act immediately. Going back to bed is then not an option. I can just see myself saying - "well, God, (I refer to God not in a religious sense or as a separate entity, but as a name for the divine guidance within and around me), God, you wanted me to realise/see/understand this, and here I am, ready and willing (well sometimes not so willing, but still) - and you're telling me to go back to bed??"

Yet, sometimes it is just the act of surrendering, allowing and doing nothing that is the next step. Actually, come to think of it, if I trust this guidance enough to having come to realise this, shouldn't I also trust it to guide me further? So really, we are probably dealing with my very old and familiar friend, IMPATIENCE. Going back to bed did not mean Liz's life was not going to change; it just was not going to (physically) change THAT NIGHT. That night she needed the rest.

So, let us just "go back to bed" when we need the rest.

Love and light,
